Automation in Testing - Richard Bradshaw

13th January 2023
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Richard Bradshaw's profile
Richard Bradshaw

Automation in Testing - Richard Bradshaw image
Talk Description

In this talk I will introduce the ideas of Automation in Testing. I will explain my reasoning for this new term over existing. Exploring the industries view of automation and how this has guided the way automation is being used in testing. We will explore the new opportunities for automation that become so clear when you change your terminology. Focusing on how most common automation framework approaches can be utilised to provide tools that assist testing. I will share my experiences of where I have created automation specifically to assist my testing, not checking, testing. I may even attempt a live demo.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Richard Bradshaw's profile'

Richard Bradshaw

Richard Bradshaw is an experienced tester, consultant and generally a friendly guy. He shares his passion for testing through consulting, training and giving presentation on a variety of topics related to testing. He is a fan of automation that supports testing. With over 10 years testing experience, he has a lot of insights into the world of testing and software development. Richard is a very active member of the testing community. Richard blogs at and tweets as @FriendlyTester. He is also the creator of the YouTube channel, Whiteboard Testing.
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  • automation