Posted: Apr 27, 2018

30 Days of E-Commerce Testing is Coming

Our famous 30 Days of Testing Challenge are back!  These are a great way to kickstart a month learning about a new area of testing.    The theme for this 30 Days of Testing challenge is E-Commerce Testing and is been kindly sponsored by Sauce Labs.

These challenges are a great way to learn on your own, as a team effort or join in online with the wonderful Ministry of Testing community.  You can find a  list of 30 challenges and a bonus challenge, one for each day of the month. Find the 30 Days of Testing Challenges and Download the PDF. Save it somewhere. Print it out. Stick it on your wall. Let’s do this!

What are the rules?

The goal is to tick off as many of the challenges as you can. You can do this in your own timeframe, or you can join us in our joint community effort. We will be encouraging the community to share their progress on this challenge from the 1st of May 2018. 

You may have an image to share as you complete the tasks, a blog post, a video or status update about your challenge journey, whatever it is!  Tag us online, use the hashtag and get involved!  

Here is how you can share your progress:

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Hello, I'm

Sarah Deery

Learning And Development Specialist

Sarah Deery is a Learning And Development Specialist at Ministry of Testing. Her main aim is to help software testers turn their vast knowledge and skills into bite-sized chunks suitable for the community to digest. She used to do things in her spare time but now she has a toddler.