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Tunis Meetup

We are excited to announce the first Ministry of Testing Tunis Meetup
10:00 - 13:00 GMT
Location: Iteam University

We are excited to announce our first Ministry of Testing Tunis Meetup will be hosted by Iteam University in their wonderful offices (85 Rue de La Palestine, Tunis 1002)

The event will start at 11 am (Tunis time) and last around 4 hours.
Our two main speakers:

  • Ryad Ounine
  • Hamouda Alias

Food and Drinks are kindly being provided Iteam University.
The event is of course open to all and free.

Ministry of Testing is an organization dedicated to software testing and quality assurance professionals. It offers a variety of resources, including conferences, workshops, online courses, and forums, to support the growth and development of individuals working in the field of software testing. The Ministry of Testing aims to promote best practices, share knowledge, and foster a community of testing professionals worldwide.