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Berlin Meetup

How GenAI will change software development
17:00 - 20:00 GMT
Location: Living Berlin

We would like to invite you to discuss the topic of how GenAI will change software development.

The opening keynote from Gregor Schumacher will hypothesize about the question if software engineers will still be required in the age of AI. His answers will not just take into account recent developments in AI, but also economic theory and experiences with technological advances since the industrial revolution.

In the following breakout sessions, meetup participants will discuss the topic further in smaller groups. This will be a great opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and share your insights on the topic.

Thanks to Riverty for hosting the event and providing drinks and pizza!


  • 18:00 Open Doors
  • 18:30 Intro & Welcome
  • 18:35 Talk: 5 Thesis How GenAI will Change Software Development
  • 19:00 Q&A
  • 19:30 Break-Out sessions in small groups
  • 20:00 Drinks

Our meetups follow the Ministry of Testing Code of Conduct.