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Get Started With Serenity BDD

19:00 - 21:00 GMT
Location: Online

As a software tester you likely have come into contact or at least heard of test automation. There are debates that automation will eliminate all manual jobs and that in the future all will be automated, but that is for another time, another article.

Today let’s begin with the following premise: You are a tester in an organization and your project manager or CTO tells you that a client is coming today and that they would like you to present a test automation framework. Have no fear, that is why you are here, together we are going to set up a test automation framework quickly and easily.

In this 99 Minute Workshop you are going to get to know Serenity, a framework that is easy to setup and is well structured. By the end of the workshop you will be able to write Serenity test on your own.